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Reed Switch in Weld Circuit
To Check: Short the Red Lead
on P.C. Board to Welder Frame.
Power Load Too Small
1. Check for Jamming of the Idler
Solenoid Mechanism, or broken return
2. Check for Continuity of Current
Transformer (Toroid). Replace as
3. Check Idler Circuit Wiring and Repair
as Required.
4. Replace Idler P.C. Board.
1. Check for Break in
Red Lead and Repair
2. Replace Reed Switch
in Weld Circuit.
1. Check for Jamming of
the Idler Solenoid
Mechanism, or broken
return spring.
2. Check Idler Circuit
Wiring and Repair as
3. Replace Idler P.C.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
#@42=#:?4@=?FE9@C:K65:6=5*6CG:4624:=:EJ for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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