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$2<6$@56= 6D4C:AE:@? *A665)'$ :DA=246>6?E *E2CE:?8 2A24:E:6D
4 Cylinder 135 cu. in
12VDC battery
Fuel: 15 gal.
4 Cycle (2.2 ltrs) (Group 24, 650 57 L.
Perkins Naturally Aspirated High Idle 1800 cold crank amps)
404D-22 Water-Cooled Low Idle 1400 @C6I*EC@<6
2.0 KW
Starter Oil: 10.30 Qts.
EPA Diesel Engine Full Load 1725 9.75 L.
Tier 4 interim Cast Iron Cylinder, 3.3” x 3.9”
Compliant Block/Crankcase (84mm x 100mm) Coolant: 9.5 Qts.
32.7HP @1800 RPM
9.0 L.
65 A. Alternator
w/ built in reg.
%',+ *#% %
$&# + . + '+ . +
K1643-7 CSA
w/o Wire Feed Module 1354 lbs.
(Code 11572, 11640) 45.5 in. 24.00 in. 65.0 in. (616 kg)
(1156 mm) (610 mm) (1651 mm
K1643-8 CSA
w/ Wire Feed Module 1389lbs.
(Codes 11573, 11641) (630 kg)
*) '+ &% )+&,+',+ FEJ ,))%+)%
-&#+*)+$'* 0# Fine Adjustments in each Range
40-350 Amps
300 Amp DC Welder 30V @ 250A 100% 160-240
All Copper Windings 32V @ 300A 60% 120-190
Pure DC Power Generator 99V DC Max. OCV @ 1800RPM 80-130
3,000 Watts Continuous, 60 Hz AC
26 Amps @ 115V
13 Amps @ 230V
'0* # $%* &%*
* Based on a 10 min. period.
Output rating in watts is equivalent to volt-amperes at unity power factor. Output voltage is within ± 10% at all loads up to
rated capacity. When welding, available auxiliary power will be reduced.
Height to top of exhaust elbow.