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A 15 ft. work cable is provided with the POWER
WAVE® C300. This cable is appropriately sized for all
of the POWER WAVE® C300’s welding procedures. If
the work cable needs to be replaced a similar quality
of cable should be used as excessive voltage drops
caused by undersized welding cables can result in
unsatisfactory welding performance. Always use the
largest work cables that is practical, and be sure all
connections are clean and tight.
)EJ; Excessive heat in the weld circuit indicates
undersized cables and/or bad connections.
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Since the POWER WAVE® C300 has the ability to be
in close proximity to the welding arc, the POWER
WAVE® C300 does not require the use of remote
sense leads.
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Most GMAW welding procedures use Electrode
Positive welding. For these applications, connect the
wire drive’s connection block to the positive (+) output
stud and connect the work lead to the negative (-) out-
put stud.
Some FCAW-SS does use Electrode Negative
Polarity. For these applications, connect the wire
drive’s connection block to the negative (-) output stud
and connect the work lead to the positive (+) output