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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.;HL?9;!79?B?JO for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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Cannot Connect
Connection Drops while welding
1. Physical connection.
2. IP address information.
3. Ethernet Speed
1. Cable Location
1. Verify that the correct patch cable
or cross over cable is being used
(refer to local IT department for
1a. Verify the cables are fully insert-
ed into the bulk head connector.
1b. The LED under the PC board
ethernet connector will be lit
when the machine is connected
to another network device.
2. Use the appropriate PC utility to
verify the correct IP address infor-
mation has been entered.
2a. Verify no duplicate the IP
addresses exist on the network.
3. Verify that the network device
connected to the Power Wave is
either a 10-baseT device or a
10/100-baseT device.
1. Verify Network cable is not locat-
ed next to current carrying con-
ductors. This would include input
power cables and welding output