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MACHINE ON Should always be on when machine is on. Normal
OUTPUT ON On when there is voltage potential at the Normal
torch (cutting or pilot).
OUTPUT ON is blinking alternately with
AIR PRESSURE when power is first There is a problem with the microprocessor,
applied to machine. replace the Control PC board.
If OUTPUT ON is blinking alternately
with MALFUNCTION, the pilot arc duty
cycle is exceeded. Wait for machine lights to stop blinking.
AIR PRESSURE On whenever the air pressure is above 45 Normal conditions are purge, preflow,
psi (311 kPa), there is an error condition postflow and cutting.
mentioned above where air will turn on.
The air will turn on for a brief time when
power is first applied to machine.
THERMAL Should normally be off. If on, wait for machine to cool down.
Machine will cool faster if left on with
output off.
MALFUNCTION Light on. At end of preflow, machine Check consumables, replace as needed.
checks to see if the torch is shorted and if Check torch cable to see if it is punctured
it can fire the SCR’s. or cut.
Light blinking. If cutting tried with air No air connected to machine, air pressure
pressure less than 45 psi (311 kPa) then set too low, or air leak in system.
the machine will wait for air pressure to
become greater than 45 psi (311 kPa).
Light blinking alternately with OUTPUT Pilot arc duty cycle has been exceeded.
ON. Wait for machine lights to stop blinking.
Light started blinking during cutting or If cutting or gouging with standoff more than
gouging. There is an overcurrent condition 1/4” (6.4mm)
caused by a surge of current the machine at high range of machine and nozzle is
was not designed to handle. Release the accidentally touched to work, shorten stickout,
trigger and resume cutting or gouging. or use drag cup. Check consumables to see if
electrode melted to nozzle.
Light blinking with THERMAL light on. Wait for machine to cool. Torch assembly is:
Light is blinking two short flashes in close 1. Not connected properly.
succession followed by one second off 2. Damaged
period. 3. Not designed for use with this machine.
Check connections; repair or replace as needed.