– 21 –
SAFETY It is possible that this light could turn on If machine can be reset, it is OK to continue
when power is first applied to machine. operation.
The torch assembly is misconnected or Check torch connection to machine.
The shield cup assembly is not in place. Securely fasten shield cup assembly in place.
By pressing reset, the machine will be
While cutting or gouging if the voltage functional. This occurs most often when the
between the nozzle and the work is too consumables are wearing out. By removing
high, it will put the machine into safety. the hafnium that builds up on the inside of the
nozzle, it is possible to extend the life of the
If the cable is punctured or cut, it can trip By pressing reset, it will clear the SAFETY.
the SAFETY When cutting is tried again, the machine will
either go into MALFUNCTION or SAFETY;
until that time, the machine will not indicate a
malfunction condition.