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The MSP4 can be optionally configured to limit the operator’s
range of control of any weld parameter (weld WFS, arc control,
etc.). Limits are only available with the Dual Procedure/Memory
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The MSP4 can be used to configure and troubleshoot the
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To access the Machine Setup menu, press both MSP4 push
buttons simultaneously. The MSP4 7-segment display will dis-
play the first user preference, "P.0", and the SETUP LED will
• Pressing the left MSP4 pushbutton will exit the entire Machine
Setup menu while in the P.0 user preference.
• Turning the MSP4 encoder knob will select other available
User Preferences.
• To exit the User Preference Menu, either rotate the MSP4
encoder until P.0 is displayed and press the left MSP4 push-
button or press both MSP4 push buttons simultaneously at
any time.