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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
#A53>#;@5A>@GF:AD;L76;7>6*7DH;5735;>;FK for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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Err 006
Err 100
Err 31 Primary overcurrent
Err 32 Capacitor bank "A" under
1. The wire feeder has not received
a recognition command from the
power source. Verify the power
source is operating properly
(Status light steady green.)
2. Check control cable for loose or
broken leads.
3. See power source service
1. The power source has issued a
shutdown command. Verify the
power source is operating proper-
ly. (Status light steady green.)
2. Check control cable for loose or
broken leads.
3. See power source service
1. The power source has exceeded
input current limits. Adjust the
welding procedure to reduce the
current draw. The welding proce-
dure may exceed the capacity of
the power source.
2. See the power source service
1. The power source input power
may be wired incorrectly. Verify
the power source reconnect
panel wiring matches the input
2. See the power source service
Check to see if the STATUS LED on
the Power Wave 455 is @AF steady
green. If it is not steady green, refer
to the Power Wave 455 Status LED
Chart and Code Table. Check the
control cables for loose or faulty con-
nections. Also check the continuity
of all five leads from one end to the
other. The control board in the PW
455 may be faulty.
See Err 006 in this chart.
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