• Close the drain valve by pushing in and twisting
clockwise. Replace the cap.
• Re-fill the crankcase to the upper limit mark on the
dipstick with the recommended oil (see engine oper-
ation manual OR engine service items decal OR
below). Replace and tighten the oil filler cap secure-
• Push oil drain hose and valve back into unit, re-con-
nect negative battery cable, and close doors and
engine top cover before restarting unit.Wash your
hands with soap and water after handling used
motor oil. Please dispose of used motor oil in a
manner that is compatible with the environment.
We suggest you take it in a sealed container to your
local service station or recycling center for reclama-
tion. DO NOT throw it in the trash; pour it on the
ground or down a drain.
Use motor oil designed for diesel engines that meets
requirements for API service classification
CC/CD/CE/CF/CF-4/CG-4 or CH-4.
ACEA E1/E2/E3. Always check the API service label
on the oil container to be sure it includes the letters
indicated. (Note: An S-grade oil must not be used in a
diesel engine or damage may result. It IS permissible
to use an oil that meets S and C grade service classi-
SAE 10W30 is recommended for general, all tempera-
ture use, 5F to 104F (-15C to 40C).
See engine owner’s manual for more specific informa-
tion on oil viscosity recommendations.
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At the end of each day’s use, refill the fuel tank to
minimize moisture condensation in the tank. Running
out of fuel tends to draw dirt into the fuel system.
Also, check the crankcase oil level and add oil if
Drain the engine oil while the engine is warm to
assure rapid and complete draining. It is recommend-
ed that each time the oil is changed the oil filter be
changed as well.
• Be sure the unit is off. Disconnect the negative bat-
tery cable to ensure safety.
• Locate oil drain hose and valve in bottom of base
and pull through the hole in the battery access panel
on the welder.
• Remove the cap from the drain valve. Push valve in
and twist counterclockwise. Pull to open and drain
the oil into a suitable container for disposal.