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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
#A53>#;@5A>@GF:AD;L76;7>6*7DH;5735;>;FK for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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Major Physical or Electrical Damage
is Evident.
Engine will not "crank".
Engine will "crank" but not start.
Engine shuts down shortly after
A@F35F KAGD >A53> #;@5A>@
GF:AD;L76 ;7>6 *7DH;57
1. Battery is low,
Charge Battery.
2. Loose battery cable connections.
Inspect, clean and tighten terminals.
3. Faulty engine starter motor.
Contact authorized local Engine
Service Shop.
1. Fuel shut off valve on Main Fuel
Filter in the OFF position. Open
valve (vertical) position of handle.
2. Fuel Filters dirty/clogged. Check
and replace main filter element
and/or Inline Fuel Filter.
3. Out of fuel. Fill tank and bleed fuel
4. High coolant temperature or low
oil pressure. (indictor lights lit)
Check oil and coolant levels. Fill if
required. Check for loose or bro-
ken fan belt.
5. ON/OFF switch on for more then
60 seconds before starting. The
ON/OFF switch will need to be
switched off and turned back on.
6. Electronic Governor Controller not
functioning properly.
7. Faulty fuel pump. Check for fuel
flow through filters. Contact autho-
rized local Engine Service Shop.
1. High coolant temperature or low
oil pressure. (indictor light lit)
Change oil and oil filters and fill to
proper level. Check and fill coolant
level. Check for loose or broken
fan belt. Start engine and look for
2. Faulty oil pressure switch or other
engine component. Contact
authorized local Engine Service
3. Faulty Idler/Protection Board.
f all recommended possible areas
of misadjustment have been
checked and the problem persists,
A@F35F KAGD >A53> #;@5A>@