The wire feeder powers up but
there is no welder output when the
gun trigger is pulled. The shielding
gas flows and the drive rolls turn.
(Across the arc models)
1. The contactor coil connections
are loose.
2. The contactor has failed.
1. Verify the connections.
2. Check for opens in the leads.
3. Perform the CONTACTOR
TEST, replace if necessary.
Observe Safety Guidelines detailed in the beginning of this manual.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely,
contact the Lincoln Electric Service Department for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
Call 1-888-935-3877.
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Thermal LED Lit
Motor overloaded, long term
(Err 81 on Digital Models)
1. The wire drive motor has over-
1. Remove any bends in the gun.
2. Check to see if the wire moves
smoothly through the gun and
3. Check the tightness of the spin-
dle brake.
4. Wait for the motor to cool and
the error to reset.
The feeder does not power up - no
display (Digital Models) - no cold
NOTE: Both LED’s should flash
briefly when power is
1 The work sense lead has an
open or poor connection
(across the arc model).
2. The power source is off.
3. The circuit breaker for the feed-
er on the power source may
have tripped. (Control cable
1. Connect the work sense lead to
the work in a location free of dirt
or paint.
2. Turn on the power source.
3. Reset the circuit breaker.
Fault Code Description Possible Adjustment
Thermal LED Lit
Motor overloaded, short term
(Err 82 on Digital Models)
1. The wire drive motor is in a
locked state causing the motor
to exceed it’s maximum amper-
age draw.
1. Verify that the motor can move
freely when the pressure arm is
2. Verify that the drive system is
free of dirt and debris.
3. Perform the MOTOR OVER-
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