Gas SolenoidGas Solenoid
Gas HoseGas Hose
Buss BarBuss Bar
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1. Perform the Case Removal Procedure.
2. Remove the 5 #10-24 x .50 screws holding
the control box cover to access the contactor
leads. See Figure F.2.
3. Disconnect the gas hose and the buss bar
from the drive deck. See <:HE8.
4. Remove the four #10-24 x .50 screws holding
the control box cover.
5. Remove the five #10-24 x .50 screws from the
wire drive panel, and separate the panel from
the control box. See Figure F.10.
6. Remove the plastic drive gear cover and with
a phillips head screwdriver remove the drive
gear. See Figure F.10.
7. Remove the tach and motor leads by discon-
necting the P9 connector. see wiring diagram.
8. Remove the three M6 x 1.00 phillips pan head
screws holding the motor to the motor panel
and lift out the motor.
9. Remove the four 1/4-20 x .50 screws from the
back of the motor panel and remove the drive
deck. Note screw locations for reassembly.
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