
TIMER KIT (K585-1)
The Timer Kit provides selectable 4-step trigger inter-
lock, spot and stitch functions, and manual adjustment
of burnback time. This kit installs easily using only a
screwdriver. It replaces the blank upper panel on Case
Front. It offers the following mode selections:
The Normal Welding mode provides welding
power only while gun trigger is pressed.
The 4-Step Trigger mode eliminates the need to
hold gun trigger while welding. It operates in 4
1. Close trigger and establish welding arc.
2. Release trigger and continue welding.
3. Re-close trigger near end of weld.
4. Release trigger again to stop welding.
The Spot Weld mode allows a single timed weld
cycle each time the gun trigger is held closed.
Duration is set with SPOT/STITCH ON TIME knob.
The Stitch Weld mode allows repeated timed weld
cycles while gun trigger is held closed. Weld on-
time is set with SPOT/STITCH ON TIME knob, and
weld off time is set with STITCH OFF TIME knob.
The BURNBACK TIME knob is used to manually set
arc power delay at the end of any above selected weld
mode to prevent wire sticking in the weld. With the
Timer Kit not installed, a preselected delay is automat-
ically set by the machine.
Remove all input power to the WIRE-MATIC 255
before proceeding.
1. Verify that the following items have been included
in the kit:
a. Timer Board and Panel Assembly.
b. Two sheet metal screws.
c. Wiring harness.
2. Turn the POWER SWITCH to OFF.
3. Disconnect AC input power to the machine.
4. Remove the Cover Plate Assembly from the front
of the machine by removing the two screws which
fasten it using a screwdriver, a 5/16" (8mm) nut dri-
ver, or other suitable tool.
5. Reach through the exposed panel opening and
attach the rectangular 8-pin plug connector on the
Timer Kit wiring harness to the available mating
receptacle connector on the upper left corner of
the Control Board inside the machine.
a. Be sure that the latch on the connector is
aligned with that on the Control Board and
insert it until the latch engages.
b. Check that the remaining connector on the
opposite end of the wiring harness is firmly
attached to the mating connector on the PC
Board on the Timer Kit panel, and that the
latch is engaged.
6. Align the Timer Kit panel so you can carefully insert
the printed circuit board and wiring harness
through the opening in the front panel.
a. Make sure the wiring harness is not pinched
between panels or between printed circuit
board and front panel.
7. Fasten the Timer Kit assembly with either the two
supplied screws or with the original screws to com-
plete the installation.
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