Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft127
System Tab
SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
Downloaded Ring Tone
System Tab
This section describes the fields for the following headings on the System tab:
• System Configuration, page -127
• Internet Connection Type and Static IP Settings, page -128
• Optional Network Configuration, page -129
• VLAN Settings, page -130
System Configuration
Media Loopback If the call is a loopback call, displays the loopback mode (source
or mirror) and type (media or packet). If the call is not loopback,
the field appears blank.
Status Indicates whether the phone is downloading a ring tone
(and from where) or if it is idle.
Ring Tone 1 Information about the user downloaded ring tone 1:
name, size, and time-stamp of the tone.
Ring Tone 2 Information about the user downloaded ring tone 2:
name, size, and time-stamp of the tone.
Restricted Access Domains This feature is used when implementing software
Enable Web Server Enable/disable web server of SPA9x2
This feature should only be used on firmware version
1.0.9 or later.
Defaults to yes.
Web Server Port Port number of the SPA9x2 web UI.
Defaults to 80.