Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft159
Phone Tab
SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
Local Progressing LED LED pattern during the Local Progressing state, where
this station is attempting on this call appearance an
outgoing call that is in proceeding (i.e. the called
number is ringing). Leaving this entry blank indicates the
default value of c=r.
Remote Progressing LED LED pattern during the Remote Progressing state, where
another station is attempting on this shared call
appearance an outbound call that is progressing. Not
applicable if the call appearance is not shared. Leaving
this entry blank indicates the default value of c=r;p=d.
Local Ringing LED LED pattern during the Local Ringing state, when the call
appearance is ringing. Leaving this entry blank indicates
the default value of c=r;p=f.
Remote Ringing LED LED pattern during the Remote Ringing state, where the
shared call appearance is in ringing on another station.
Not applicable if the call appearance is not shared.
Leaving this entry blank indicates the default value of
Local Active LED LED pattern during the Local Active state, where the call
appearance is engaged in an active call. Leaving this
entry blank indicates the default value of c=r.
Remote Active LED LED pattern during the Remote Active state, where
another station is engaged in an active call on this
shared call appearance. Not applicable is this call
appearance is not shared. Leaving this entry blank
indicates the default value of c=r;p=d.
Local Held LED LED pattern during the Local Held state, where the call
appearance is held by this station. Leaving this entry
blank indicates the default value of c=r;p=s.
Remote Held LED LED pattern during the Remote Held state, where
another station has placed this call appearance on hold.
Not applicable if the call appearance is not shared.
Leaving this entry blank indicates the default value of
Register Failed LED LED pattern when the corresponding extension has
failed to register with the proxy server. Leaving this entry
blank indicates the default value of c=a.
Disabled LED LED pattern when the Call Appearance is disabled (not
available for any incoming or outgoing call). Leaving this
entry blank indicates the default value of c=o.