Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft129
System Tab
SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
Optional Network Configuration
Host Name The host name of the SPA9x2.
Domain The network domain of the SPA9x2.
Primary DNS DNS server used by SPA9x2 in addition to DHCP supplied
DNS servers if DHCP is enabled; when DHCP is disabled,
this is the primary DNS server.
Defaults to
Secondary DNS DNS server used by SPA9x2 in addition to DHCP supplied
DNS servers if DHCP is enabled; when DHCP is disabled,
this is the secondary DNS server.
Defaults to
DNS Server Order Specifies the method for selecting the DNS server. The
options are Manual, Manual/DHCP, and DHCP/Manual.
DNS Query Mode Do parallel or sequential DNS Query. With parallel
DNS query mode, the SPA9x2 sends the same request to
all the DNS servers at the same time when doing a DNS
lookup, the first incoming reply is accepted by the
Defaults to parallel.
Syslog Server Specify the syslog server name and port. This feature
specifies the server for logging SPA9x2 system
information and critical events. If both Debug Server and
Syslog Server are specified, Syslog messages are also
logged to the Debug Server.
Debug Server The debug server name and port. This feature specifies
the server for logging SPA9x2 debug information. The
level of detailed output depends on the debug level
parameter setting.
Debug Level The debug level from 0-3. The higher the level, the more
debug information is generated. Zero (0) means no
debug information is generated. To log SIP messages,
you must set the Debug Level to at least 2.
Defaults to 0.
Primary NTP Server IP address or name of primary NTP server.