Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft174
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SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
A codec resource is considered allocated if it has been included in the SDP codec list of an
active call, even though it eventually might not be chosen for the connection. If the G.729a
codec is enabled and included in the codec list, that resource is tied up until the end of the call
whether or not the call actually uses G.729a. If the G729a resource is already allocated (and
since only one G.729a resource is allowed per SPA), no other low-bit-rate codec can be
allocated for subsequent calls. The only choices are G711a and G711u.
G729a Enable To enable the use of the G.729a codec at 8 kbps, select
yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to yes.
G723 Enable To enable the use of the G.723a codec at 6.3 kbps, select
yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to yes.
G726-16 Enable To enable the use of the G.726 codec at 16 kbps, select
yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to yes.
G726-24 Enable To enable the use of the G.726 codec at 24 kbps, select
yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to yes.
G726-32 Enable To enable the use of the G.726 codec at 32 kbps, select
yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to yes.
G726-40 Enable To enable the use of the G.726 codec at 40 kbps, select
yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to yes.
Silence Supp Enable To enable silence suppression so that silent audio frames are
not transmitted, select yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to no.
DTMF Tx Method Select the method to transmit DTMF signals to the far
end: InBand, AVT, INFO, Auto, InBand+INFO, or
AVT+INFO. InBand sends DTMF using the audio path.
AVT sends DTMF as AVT events. INFO uses the SIP INFO
method. Auto uses InBand or AVT based on the outcome
of codec negotiation.
Defaults to Auto.