ing proper equipment for transmission (e.g., continually monitored telephone cables). The transmit-
ting device for fire alarm messages which can also be operated - additionally to the menu control -
via the buttons in the field 'TRANSM. DEVICE 1' of the key pad of the control panel is called pri-
mary transmitting device. The possibility of alarm delay (also see the terms "Alarm delay proce-
dure", "Delay time") is exclusively existing for the primary transmitting device.
Two-zone dependency
Measure to guard against deceptive activation of actuations (e.g., of an extinguishing system). The
activation of the corresponding parts of the system takes place only after at least one fire detector in
each of the two linked detector zones have detected signs of fire. Using the fire detection control
panel BC216-1 or when using the fire detection control panel BCnet216, in every BCnet sectional
control panel, also more than two detector zones can be combined to a "multiple detector zone" - de-
pendency, still called "two-zone dependency" for simplicity.
Person(s) who are responsible for the operation and the use of the fire detection system.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 1 • Introduction User Manual Series BC216 / Part A