The internal buzzer is sounding constantly.
You can silence the internal buzzer by using the button 'Silence buzzer'. The buzzer is activated
again by each further received technical message and can be reset in the same way.
If no event of higher priority is currently on the control panel the menu jumps automatically to the
menu point [Technical messages].
The first line of the LC-display shows the technical message that was received first. The second and
third line display the zone and the element-specific text for the technical message displayed in the
first line. The fourth line is reserved for displaying fire alarms. The activated actuations are num-
bered in the order of their arrival on the control panel.
1.TECH.MSG 0005/011
<zone text1>
<element text>
Figure 19: Display in message condition for technical messages
Message Nr. 5, element Nr. 11 is displayed as the first technical message received. The second and
third line display text information regarding the displayed technical message. Has no element text
been programmed, the second line of the zone text (if available) is displayed. The fourth line is re-
served for fire alarm messages.
If the parameters have been set accordingly, the light-emitting diodes of all technical messages that
were received are illuminated on the optional LED-display field.
Additional information (e.g., date and time of the arrival of the technical message displayed in the first
line, the number of technical messages received, hints for operating the menu, hints for authorization,
can be displayed by using the 'Info'-button.
You can scroll through all current technical messages by using the '
The number series for technical messages (in the example above "0005") is the same as for fire detec-
tor zones and fault detector zones.
5.4.1 Resetting a technical message
The parameters of detector zones for technical messages can be set to "self holding" or "self resetting".
The kind of resetting required in each case is set by the installer.
"Self resetting" detector zones for technical messages display the current detector condition: If the de-
tector returns to normal condition the technical message disappears.
"Self holding" detector zones continue to display the technical messages until the detector zone or the
detector is disabled on the control panel. By disabling, all actuations dependent on this message are re-
set also. Whether or not the detector itself can be returned to normal condition by disabling the detector
zone depends on the kind of detector used.
Is a technical message reset, all displays of technical messages remaining in the display memory are
renumbered in the order of their occurrence.
Some special detectors may require special resetting procedures, the authorized installer will inform
you about them.
By pressing the button 'Panel reset' you reset all current technical messages in addition to other displays
at the same time. In this connection please pay attention to the comments starting page 31 in Chapter
4.2.1: "Resetting the fire detection control panel".
5.4.2 Special technical messages
The technical messages, activated by detectors, are described in the foregoing section. Some messages
can also be displayed on the LC-display that have been activated directly by other peripheral devices of
the fire detection system. These messages are always "self resetting". Besides the displaying on the LC-
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 5 • Operating conditions of fire detection control panels Series BC216