
ONYX FireWire Card
ONYX FireWire Card
Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
7. Make sure all of the inputs are enabled. If any of them say “disabled,” click it
to enable it.
8. Reopen the Onyx Control Panel (click “show ASIO control panel). Just below
the sample rate box is the latency setting. Latency describes the amount of
time it takes for audio to get in and out of your software application. Since
you are not concerned with monitoring and overdubbing this live recording,
you can set the latency control high (all the way up). The higher the latency
setting, the more resources are available to your computer to handle the re-
cording process. Select the highest latency setting in the Onyx Control Panel
and then close the control panel.
In the Mac version, adjust the latency slider directly in Tracktion.