ONYX FireWire Card
ONYX FireWire Card
Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
nd the right balance between performance and monitoring delay. If you hear
pops, clicks, or distortion in the audio, increase the latency setting. You can
use the CPU bar in the lower right corner of Tracktion to monitor how much
CPU horsepower is available. If the CPU bar changes from green to red, you
are running out of resources and should increase the latency setting.
8. Make sure the correct sample rate and latency settings appear in the settings
tab. If not, click "restart device" to update the settings (on the PC), or make
the changes directly in Tracktion (on the Mac).
9. Make sure all of the inputs are enabled. If any of them say “disabled,” click it
to enable it.
Click on the “projects” tab, and double-click on “new edit #1” (or whatever you
have named your new edit) to open the edit screen. This new project starts with
8 horizontal tracks, stacked vertically. You can add new tracks as you go along by
clicking the "tracks" button in the lower left corner and selecting "create a new
track," and you can rename them by selecting the track name and typing the
new name in the Properties panel (the default names are Track 1, Track 2, etc.).