
HD24/96 Technical Reference 16
Time Bar
At the highest resolution, the display is approximately 12 milliseconds wide, or about half
a video frame. At the lowest resolution, full scale of the display is 24 hours, the
maximum recording time of the HDR24/96. The left and right arrow buttons to the left of
the time/marker bar expand and contract the track display in time. Use high resolution
when editing samples or small regions, use lower resolution to get the big picture of your
Tip: Track area overviews may be stored and recalled using the F5 to F12 keys. This is
useful for jumping between high and low resolution views or switching between
displaying the single active take or multiple takes. These keys store the track zoom level
and the positioning and expansion of takes, but of course the content of the tracks
changes with editing and recording. The current track and region content is always
displayed with the parameters of the stored view. Ctrl-F(n) stores the view, F(n) recalls
the stored view.
Time selection is made by clicking and dragging the I-Beam tool along the marker/time
strip. This creates a selection area across all tracks, but does not specifically define any
regions within the selection area. Regions on individual tracks may be selected
afterwards. See Track and Region Tools for the details.
A single click on the Time bar using any one of the tools places the current time bar at
the clicked-on time and sets this time into the main transport time display.
Right clicking on the Time / Marker bar pops up a shortcut menu with choices that
include time units display, loop selection and snap-to options. All of these functions
have been described elsewhere.
Song Offset
When the HDR24/96 is set to display in BBT, the Song Offset can be used to slide the
entire time bar horizontally so that playback coincides with Bar 1. This does not affect
anything other than the time display in the Time Bar, and has no effect when the
transport position is displayed in SMPTE time.
To adjust the Song Offset, open the Setup Window (Windows | Setup or Ctrl+1) and
select Locator-MMC. The value displayed in the Song Offset window can be adjusted
by clicking and dragging on the number fields, clicking and entering a number from the
keyboard, or transferring the current time into the window by holding the Ctrl key and
clicking in the Song Offset window.
Neat Trick: To set the beginning of the song to BBT 1:1:000, set the Current Time to the
beginning of the song, then Ctrl-Click in the Song Offset window.
Marker Bar and Markers
The Marker Bar contains draggable icons for Cues and LOC points that serve as jump-
to points in a playlist. Markers for Cues may be re-labeled, while LOC markers, since
they have dedicated functions, have fixed labels. Dragging any marker will update the
time field relevant to that marker. See the sections on Cue List, Punch, Loop, and
Recording Operations for more details.
Track Area
The track area, where all the audio action is, has three separate work areas. At the left is
the Track Control area, the center section contain the graphical display of recorded tracks,