
HD24/96 Technical Reference 39
Press or click on a Record Ready button. This stops recording on the disarmed track,
but leaves the transport running.
Whenever the transport is stopped, whether with the STOP button or when time code stops,
the HDR24/96 drops out of Record mode. To record again, you must press the RECORD
button again.
NOTE: When the recorder is set to chase time code, if none of the tracks are enabled for
recording, time code is rolling, and the Master record is engaged, the RECORD button will
flash on the GUI screen and in the hardware transport sections. From this state, you can
punch in on a track using the REC or R button.
CAUTION - Clicking on RECORD or using the keyboard shortcut begins recording
immediately on the armed tracks. If youre punching-in on a track, youll have no pre-roll
(playback before recording starts). You might record over an existing good part. This might
be just what you want to do, but usually youll want to roll a few seconds of tape with the
PLAY button prior to clicking on RECORD the punch point, just to get into the swing of
things. Then again, with the HDR24/96, you can always say Oops! Wrong button! and
undo the recording, but better not to scare your talent.
One Button Punch
There are two modes of operation for the hardware RECORD button. This applies to both
the remote controllers and the HDR24/96 front panel. The standard recording procedure
requires that both the RECORD and PLAY buttons be pressed simultaneously in order to
enter the Record mode. When One Button Punch is engaged, once the Play button has
been pressed (tape is rolling) only the Record button must be pressed to begin recording
on armed tracks.
Note that this is different from entering Record from the GUI pressing the RECORD
button by itself does not start the transport running. Both Record and Play must be
pressed, but in the One Button mode, they need not be pressed simultaneously.
One Button Punch can only be engaged from the GUI. Select One Button Punch from the
Transport menu.
Transport | One Button Punch.
Punching In
Punching-in is the action of entering Record on a track or tracks while the transport is
running. In the standard recording mode, with the transport in Play and tracks playing up to
the punch-in point, enter Record on the armed track(s) by holding the PLAY button and
pressing RECORD. You could also hold the RECORD button and punch PLAY to start
recording. Use whichever method feels best under your fingers. If you want to enter Record
immediately from the stopped state, hold a finger on the RECORD button, then press PLAY.
With the One Button Punch mode set, when the transport is in PLAY, it is only necessary to
press the RECORD button in order to enter the Record mode.
NOTE: From the GUI, it is only necessary to click the RECORD button to enter Record on
armed tracks once the transport is playing.
When the HDR24/96 is operating in the Time Code Chase mode, recording operations work
just as youd expect. When Play begins as the result of the transport recognizing incoming
time code, Record is entered with the RECORD button alone when One-button Punch is on,
or with RECORD+PLAY if One-Button Punch is off.