36 Revision B
5230 IP Appliance User Guide
To dial by contacts
1. Start your Contacts application. OR Start the Dial by Contacts application (see ”To
start the Dial by Contacts application” above)
2. Tap and hold the contact you want to call, and select Dial… (you can also select the
contact and choose Dial… in the Tools menu).The Dial by Contacts window opens.
Dial by Contacts Window
3. To select a different phone number for this contact, click on the Contact Number drop
down menu, and select the desired number.
4. If you need a dialing prefix, check the Prefix box, and enter the prefix.
Entering a Dialing Prefix (Free-Form and Canonical Formats)
5. If the number you selected is in canonical format, select the desired dialing profile in
the Dialing Locations drop down menu. If this is a local call, tap the Local check box
(for more information on the canonical dialing formats and on dialing profiles, see “Using
the Canonical Dialing Format” on page 56).
6. Tap Dial. The call is dialed.