60 Revision B
5230 IP Appliance User Guide
To access the Desktop Tool
1. Open Internet Explorer (5.5 or greater).
2. Enter the Desktop Tool URL in the Address field (see your Administrator for this URL),
then press the Enter key.
3. Enter your user name and password in the login screen, then select OK.
Desktop Tool Home Page
4. When you are finished, select Exit in the feature drop-down list (at the right of I want
to…) to log out of the Desktop Tool.
To change your Desktop Tool password
1. Access the Desktop Tool.
2. In the feature drop-down menu, select Edit Preferences.
3. In the feature list box, select Change Password.
4. Enter your old password, your new password, then confirm your new password.
5. Select OK. Your password is changed.
To change the Desktop Tool display language
1. Access the Desktop Tool.
2. In the feature drop-down menu, select Edit Preferences.
3. In the feature list box, select Change User Profile Language.
4. In the language drop-down list, select the language you want.
5. Select OK. The Desktop Tool will be displayed in the new language you selected the
next time you log in.