Chapter 16. Information Bays (i-bays)
want the intranet to be created by a particular staff member and "checked in" by the administrator (write access "administrator only").
The intranet is, of course, viewable only from the internal network. No password is required. To access the intranet, TPV employees
use their web browsers to access the URL www.tofu-dog.com/intranet.
This particular newsletter was created using a desktop office application called StarOffice (similar to Microsoft Office). The files
were created as typical word processing documents, saved into ".html" format and then transferred into the html directory of the
"intranet" i-bay using Windows file sharing. Starting with just a blank document, it took only about an hour to create the main page
and the other pages that make up this newsletter.
16.7. An i-bay Used to Expedite Processes: Samson’s Farms
Samson’s Organic Farms delivers fresh produce to The Pagan Vegan every week. Samson’s and TPV use an i-bay to improve the
ordering and delivery process. TPV has created an i-bay for Samson’s called "samfarms". It is accessible to the external Internet but
password-protected so that only staff at TPV and Samson’s Farms can read it. Anyone on TPV’s local network can write to it.