Chapter 8. Configuring the Computers on Your Network
Only One DHCP Server
It is imperative that no other DHCP server is on your network. If a former DHCP server configured your computers, you should
remove that DHCP server from your network. Leave DHCP enabled, and reboot each computer. New IP addresses, netmasks,
gateway IP addresses and DNS addresses will be assigned automatically by the server DHCP server.
8.2.2. Manual entry for computers not using DHCP service
As noted above, we strongly recommend that you perform all your client configuration using DHCP. It is even possible to assign a
static IP address through the Hostnames and addresses web panel of the server manager that will be distributed through your DHCP
However, if your computers do not support DHCP, you must manually enter the following information into your TCP/IP properties:
Item Description What to enter
IP address Manually enter this information (see paragraph
You must assign a different, unique IP address
to computers not accepting DHCP (see note
subnet mask (or netmask) Manually enter this number. The default subnet mask (or netmask) is
gateway IP address Enter the IP address for the server or, in the case
of server-only mode, enter the IP address for
your network’s gateway (e.g. the firewall or
network router).
If you are running in server and gateway mode,
your server is your local network’s gateway.
Enter its IP address here: the default is
"". If you are running in server-only
mode, enter the IP address for the device
interfacing with your external network.
IP addresses of your
domain name servers
Manually enter this information. Normally you would just add the IP address for
your server - the default used in the server
console is "". If you have a firewall
other than your server that restricts internal
queries to Internet DNS servers, you may need
to enter additional DNS servers here.
It is critical that every computer on your network has a unique IP address and that you don’t assign two computers the same address.
In enabling DHCP service in the server console, you designated a range of IP addresses for DHCP assignment. You also allocated a
block of IP addresses for manual assignment. If you accepted the defaults pre-configured into the server console, IP addresses through will have been set aside for manual entry. To avoid duplication, use only those IP addresses when
manually assigning IP addresses to your computers.