
Selecting the PIP source
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O Turn your VCR on and select a
channel oil the VCR that is
different tlhan the channel you
see on your TV screen.
O Press the source button
(SOURCE) on the remote
control repeatedly to select the
source of the PIP image: TV or
The PIP iinage will change as
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To change the input of the background (mainl image while a PIP
image is on the screen, press the input button (INPUT) on the
control panel or on the remote control.
Selecting the channel
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Press the PI]? channel button
(CtIANNEL) on the remote control
to change the channel of the PIP
image when :you are using the PIP
mode with Active A/V Network.
_>Important: When the source of both the main image and the PIP image is the
TV, the PIP channel button will change the channels of both the
main image and the PIP image.
84 Chapter 4: Using the Special Features