6.6 Program Execution Control Instructions 6 - 133
6.6.1 Interrupt disable/enable instructions, interrupt program mask (DI,EI,IMASK) .......... 6 - 133
6.6.2 Recovery from interrupt programs (IRET) ................................................................ 6 - 139
6.7 I/O Refresh Instructions 6 - 141
6.7.1 I/O refresh (RFS(P)) ................................................................................................. 6 - 141
6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6 - 143
6.8.1 Counter 1-phase input up or down (UDCNT1) ......................................................... 6 - 143
6.8.2 Counter 2-phase input up or down (UDCNT2) ......................................................... 6 - 146
6.8.3 Teaching timer (TTMR) ............................................................................................ 6 - 149
6.8.4 Special function timer (STMR).................................................................................. 6 - 151
6.8.5 Rotary table shortest direction control (ROTC) ........................................................ 6 - 154
6.8.6 Ramp signal (RAMP)................................................................................................ 6 - 157
6.8.7 Pulse density measurement (SPD) .......................................................................... 6 - 160
6.8.8 Fixed cycle pulse output (PLSY) .............................................................................. 6 - 162
6.8.9 Pulse width modulation (PWM) ................................................................................ 6 - 164
6.8.10 Matrix input (MTR).................................................................................................... 6 - 166
7.1 Logical operation instructions 7 - 2
7.1.1 Logical products with 16-bit and 32-bit data (WAND(P),DAND(P)).............................. 7 - 3
7.1.2 Block logical products (BKAND(P)) .............................................................................. 7 - 9
7.1.3 Logical sums of 16-bit and 32-bit data (WOR(P),DOR(P))......................................... 7 - 11
7.1.4 Block logical sum operations (BKOR(P)).................................................................... 7 - 17
7.1.5 16-bit and 32-bit exclusive OR operations (WXOR(P),DXOR(P)) .............................. 7 - 19
7.1.6 Block exclusive OR operations (BKXOR(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 25
7.1.7 16-bit and 32-bit data exclusive NOR operations (WXNR(P),DXNR(P)).................... 7 - 27
7.1.8 Block exclusive NOR operations (BKXNR(P))............................................................ 7 - 33
7.2 Rotation instruction 7 - 35
7.2.1 Right rotation of 16-bit data (ROR(P),RCR(P)) .......................................................... 7 - 35
7.2.2 Left rotation of 16-bit data (ROL(P),RCL(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 38
7.2.3 Right rotation of 32-bit data (DROR(P),DRCR(P)) ..................................................... 7 - 41
7.2.4 Left rotation of 32-bit data (DROL(P),DRCL(P))......................................................... 7 - 44
7.3 Shift instruction 7 - 46
7.3.1 n-bit shift to right or left of 16-bit data (SFR(P),SFL(P)) ............................................. 7 - 46
7.3.2 1-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (BSFR(P),BSFL(P)) .......................................... 7 - 49
7.3.3 n-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (SFTBR(P),SFTBL(P)) ...................................... 7 - 51
7.3.4 1-word shift to right or left of n-word data (DSFR(P),DSFL(P)) .................................. 7 - 54
7.3.5 n-bit shift to right or left of n-word data (SFTWR(P),SFTWL(P)) ................................ 7 - 56
7.4 Bit processing instructions 7 - 59
7.4.1 Bit set and reset for word devices (BSET(P),BRST(P)) ............................................. 7 - 59
7.4.2 Bit tests (TEST(P),DTEST(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 61
7.4.3 Batch reset of bit devices (BKRST(P)) ....................................................................... 7 - 64
7.5 Data processing instructions 7 - 66
7.5.1 16-bit and 32-bit data searches (SER(P),DSER(P))................................................... 7 - 66
7.5.2 16-bit and 32-bit data checks (SUM(P),DSUM(P))..................................................... 7 - 69
7.5.3 Decoding from 8 to 256 bits (DECO(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 71
7.5.4 Encoding from 256 to 8 bits (ENCO(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 73