6.2.10 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision)
(ED+(P),ED-(P)) ................................................................................................. 6 - 50
6.2.11 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Single precision)
(E*(P),E/(P)) ....................................................................................................... 6 - 54
6.2.12 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Double precision)
(ED*(P),ED/(P)) .................................................................................................. 6 - 56
6.2.13 Block addition and subtraction (BK+(P),BK-(P))......................................................... 6 - 59
6.2.14 BIN 32-bit data block addition and subtraction operations (DBK+(P),DBK-(P)) ........ 6 - 62
6.2.15 Linking character strings ($+(P)) ................................................................................ 6 - 65
6.2.16 Incrementing and decrementing 16-bit BIN data (INC(P),DEC(P)) ............................ 6 - 69
6.2.17 Incrementing and decrementing 32-bit BIN data (DINC(P),DDEC(P)) ....................... 6 - 71
6.3 Data conversion instructions 6 - 73
6.3.1 Conversion from BIN data to 4-digit and 8-digit BCD (BCD(P),DBCD(P)) ................. 6 - 73
6.3.2 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit data to BIN data (BIN(P),DBIN(P)) ............ 6 - 75
6.3.3 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Single precision)
(FLT(P),DFLT(P)) ............................................................................................... 6 - 78
6.3.4 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Double precision)
(FLTD(P),DFLTD(P)).......................................................................................... 6 - 81
6.3.5 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and
32-bit data (Single precision) (INT(P),DINT(P)) ................................................. 6 - 83
6.3.6 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and
32-bit data (Double precision) (INTD(P),DINTD(P)) ........................................... 6 - 86
6.3.7 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit data (DBL(P)) ............................................ 6 - 88
6.3.8 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit data (WORD(P))........................................ 6 - 89
6.3.9 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to Gray code (GRY(P),DGRY(P)) .............. 6 - 90
6.3.10 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16 and 32-bit data (GBIN(P),DGBIN(P))................. 6 - 92
6.3.11 Complement of 2 of BIN 16- and 32-bit data (sign reversal) (NEG(P),DNEG(P))...... 6 - 94
6.3.12 Floating-point sign invertion (Single precision) (ENEG(P)) ........................................ 6 - 96
6.3.13 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG(P)) .................................... 6 - 97
6.3.14 Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data (BKBCD(P))................... 6 - 98
6.3.15 Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data (BKBIN(P)) ......... 6 - 100
6.3.16 Single precision to Double precision conversion (ECON(P)) ................................... 6 - 102
6.3.17 Double precision to Single precision conversion (EDCON(P))................................. 6 - 104
6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6 - 106
6.4.1 16-bit and 32-bit data transfers (MOV(P),DMOV(P))................................................ 6 - 106
6.4.2 Floating-point data transfer (Single precision) (EMOV(P)) ....................................... 6 - 108
6.4.3 Floating-point data transfer (Double precision) (EDMOV(P)) ................................... 6 - 110
6.4.4 Character string transfers ($MOV(P))....................................................................... 6 - 112
6.4.5 16-bit and 32-bit negation transfers (CML(P),DCML(P)) .......................................... 6 - 114
6.4.6 Block 16-bit data transfers (BMOV(P)) ..................................................................... 6 - 117
6.4.7 Identical 16-bit data block transfers (FMOV(P)) ....................................................... 6 - 120
6.4.8 Identical 32-bit data block transfers (DFMOV(P))..................................................... 6 - 122
6.4.9 16-bit and 32-bit data exchanges (XCH(P),DXCH(P)) ............................................. 6 - 124
6.4.10 Block 16-bit data exchanges (BXCH(P)) .................................................................. 6 - 126
6.4.11 Upper and lower byte exchanges (SWAP(P)) .......................................................... 6 - 128
6.5 Program Branch Instructions 6 - 129
6.5.1 Pointer branch instructions (CJ,SCJ,JMP) ............................................................... 6 - 129
6.5.2 Jump to END (GOEND)............................................................................................ 6 - 132