Establishing Communications
Before the printer can accept print jobs from the host, you must
connect the communication cable to the printer and to the host.
set the communication values on the printer to match those at
the host.
Connecting the Communication Cable
Make sure the printer is off before connecting
the cable to the communication port.
Serial Communication
9 to 25 pin cable (#110451)
9 to 9 pin cable (#112073)
Connect the communication cable into the bottom port on the
printer and the appropriate port of the host.
Default Serial Port Communication Values
If you are communicating with the host through the serial port,
make sure the printer’s communication values match those at the
host. The factory default values are:
Baud 9600
Word Length 8 bit
Stop Bits 1 stop bit
Parity none
Flow Control DTR
To change the printer’s communication values, see Chapter 5,
"Communication Values," or your System Administrator.
1-4 Getting Started