
The valid options for printer Port Settings are shown below. The
default values are shown in bold.
Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
Word length 7 or 8
Stop bits 1 or 2
Parity Odd, Even, None
Flow control None, Xon/Xoff, DTR, CTS
Reset Yes or No
Error Description/Action
409 Printer memory is full.
410 Parity mismatch.
411 Framing error (baud rate mismatch).
412 Flow control mismatch.
413 Receive buffer is full. Check flow control settings.
414 Internal keyboard buffer is full or you need a new
427 Format name must be 1 to 8 characters inside quotes or
a printer-assigned name ("").
428 Batch name is invalid or graphic not found.
429 A field number appears more than once in a format.
430 The format uses a graphic file that cannot be found.
433 The batch references a field number that does not exist
in the format.
497 Error occurred during the parallel port loop back test.
499 Error occurred during the serial port loop back test.
11 - 10 Troubleshooting