
852 Invalid buffer definition packet or not enough flash
memory for the script. One or more of the following
buffers were invalid: input buffer, temporary buffer,
lookup buffer, printer, or array buffer. Check the buffer
definitions. Format flash memory and download the
script using the COPY command from DOS or the ADK2
853 Invalid version string or not enough flash memory for
the script. The version information in the APPVERSION
command is missing or invalid. Make sure the
information is enclosed in double quotation marks.
Format flash memory and download the script using the
COPY command from DOS or the ADK2 software.
854 Invalid table (string and numeric) data or not enough
flash memory for the script. Check the data. Format
flash memory and download the script using the COPY
command from DOS or the ADK2 software.
855 Invalid start/clear command. The script is missing the
start or clear command {S space}.
856 Invalid quit command. The script is missing the quit
{Q space}.
857 Illegal command in the script. Your script may include
commands that have been removed from the ADK2
scripting language.
858 Check sum error. Each packet has a four-digit
checksum at the beginning of the packet. Compile the
script again using the ADK2 software.
859 Script download buffer overflow. The image buffer is
used as the SCRATCH buffer. Increase the size of the
image buffer.
900 RAM test failure.
901 ROM/EPROM checksum failure.
Diagnostics and Errors