Faxing and Copying the Same Document at
Once (Fax&Copy) .....................................3-128
Scanning and Sending Duplex Documents
Loading the document and printing out at
the destination ......................................3-130
Sending duplex documents ..................3-130
Enlarging and Sending Documents (Enlarge
Transmission) ...........................................3-132
Sending One Section of Document (Scan Size)
OneLine + Distinctive Ring Detection (DRD)
Ring pattern ..........................................3-136
DRD settings .........................................3-137
Using Alternative Phone Network Service
Providers ...................................................3-139
Registering dial prefixes ......................3-139
Using dial prefixes to send faxes .........3-140
Using dial prefix to make a phone call
Masking the PIN ......................................3-142
What is PIN masking? .........................3-142
Setting PIN mask .................................3-143
Entering speed-dials (Mode 1) .............3-144
Entering program one-touch keys (Mode 1)
Dialing while using the PIN mask ......3-146
Performing batch transmission while using
the PIN mask ........................................3-148
Chapter 3 Communication Management
... 3-149
Managing Communications .....................3-150
Printing journal report .........................3-150
Printing journal report automatically .3-152
How to read journal report ..................3-153
Transmission confirmation report setting
Issuing a one-off transmission confirmation
report .....................................................3-155
Blocking Junk Faxes ................................3-156
Set block junk faxes ..............................3-156
Deleting registered number .................3-159
Printing block junk list ........................3-160