
FAX Chapter2
Advanced Fax Features
OneLine + Distinctive Ring
Detection (DRD)
Many phone companies now offer their customers a special service which makes it possible
for one phone line to do the work of two. With this service, you physically still have one
phone line, but, electronically, you have two phone numbers. Your phone recognizes these
different numbers and rings differently for each one.
For example, this makes it easy for you to have both a business number and a home number
on one phone line, so you can answer one with “Jane Doe Consulting,” and the other with
“Hello.” This works because you can tell the difference between the distinctive patterns of
the two rings.
In order to use OneLine + DRD, your phone company must set up your distinctive ring service. When sign-
ing your contract, also check the ring pattern allocated.
Operating tips
Ring pattern
Your fax has eight possible distinctive ring patterns for use with OneLine + DRD.
One of them should work with your phone company’s DRD service. This chart lists the patterns:
Pattern One complete ring pattern (seconds)
A 0.8 on, 0.4 off, 0.8 on, 4.0 off
B 0.4 on, 0.2 off, 0.4 on, 0.2 off, 0.8 on, 4.0 off
C 0.3 on, 0.2 off, 1.0 on, 0.2 off, 0.3 on, 4.0 off
D 1.0 on, 0.5 off, 1.0 on, 3.5 off
E 0.5 on, 0.5 off, 0.5 on, 0.5 off, 1.0 on, 3.0 off
F 0.5 on, 0.5 off, 1.0 on, 0.5 off, 0.5 on, 3.0 off
G 0.4 on, 0.6 off, 0.4 on, 4.6 off
H 1.5 on, 0.5 off, 0.5 on, 3.5 off
Example: pattern C is 0.3 seconds ringing, 0.2 seconds silent, 1 second ringing, 0.2 seconds si-
lent, 0.3 seconds ringing and 4 seconds silent. Then it goes back to the first 0.3-second
ring and starts over.