13.6 Automatic Operation Start after Block Search
Other Intervention Possibilities Before START
It is possible to change the order of execution, as well as to cancel the execution of other M
codes before starting the execution of data gathered in automatic mode.
The cursor can be moved along the listed commands by means of keys , .
The cursor must be moved to the function or coordinate, the execution of which is to be taken
out from the execution after the first START. When the cursor stands on it, key <INS>
is to be pressed. Due to this, the display of this data turns to dark.
When the START button is pressed, the darkened commands are not executed, but
those not taken out from the execution. After the selected commands are executed, the control
assumes STOP state and displays the commands not executed in the first cycle. This time the
ones, not to be executed when pressing START again can be selected in the above way. The
process can be carried on until all the gathered commands are executed.
In the above example command M3 can be taken out from the first execution cycle, as well as
movement Z–188.351 in order to prevent the tool from clashing when positioning. In this case
after pressing the START button all functions but spindle rotation and every positioning but
movement in Z direction are executed. If thereafter the START button is pressed, the spindle
rotation is started and the tool moves to the workpiece in Z direction.
Regarding the gathered other M functions certain commands may have to be canceled. In this
case the cursor must be moved to the function to be canceled, than key <DEL> must be
pressed. With the key in effect the function is canceled from the gathered list and is not
L Positioning, command referring to tool replacement, spindle and coolant cannot be
13.6.3 Command GOTO
If the cursor is moved to the desired block and action key
GOTO is pressed, the control
executes the program from the selected block after pressing START button. Contrary to
command SEARCH it does not gather functions and positions from the beginning of program.
It is the operator’s duty to place the machine in the appropriate state and position.
The effect of command GOTO is the same as if command GOTOn had been entered (n is the
block number).
13.6.4 Search for INTERRUPTED Block
In the course of machining the control registers the block under execution. This registration is
preserved upon power-off of the machine. Therefore if program execution is interrupted in the
course of machining for example due to power cut, the program can be restarted.
After the power has been turned on, reference point has been returned and the action menu