14 Listing of Messages and their Codes
14 Listing of Messages and their Codes
There may be two types of messages: Local and global.
14.1 Local Message
Local messages are the ones connected to an action executed on a certain screen, and are not
available on any other screen. These are for example the data input errors displayed by the
control upon false input.
Local messages are displayed in the bottom right corner of screen above the softkeys.
Local messages are always due to some kind of handling error, therefore in order to go on the
message has to be canceled. Local messages are canceled by the use of key CANCEL .
Naturally switching over the screen also clears the message. The local messages and their
interpretations are discussed by the description of screens.
14.2 Global Messages
Global messages are the ones not connected to an action executed on a certain screen. These
messages can occur on any screen. This is the situation if for example machining is done in
automatic operation, meanwhile a program is being edited on the EDIT screen. If in the course
of machining the program module preprocessor finds a block specified incorrectly or PLC
notices error in the machine a global message appears.
Global messages are displayed in the top left corner of the screen in the window maintained
especially for this function below the status bar. A four-digit number is attached to every global
messages, i.e., the code and text of the message.
Global messages can be divided into the following main groups:
System alarms:
– alarms due to failure or false setting of servo system,
– alarms due to failure of position encoders,
– HW/SW alarms coming from the NC,
– messages due to programming errors of the PLC program.
Other NC error messages:
– reference point return errors,
– errors due to moving to overtravel positions and forbidden areas.
Messages sent by PLC program:
– there may be alarms arising during functioning of the machine,
– or messages informing the operator.
Error messages sent by program module preprocessor:
– if the program module preprocessor finds error in the pre-processed program block during
program execution it sends an error message.
Messages arising from handling errors:
– if the operator wishes to activate an intervention not possible in the given situation.