1 Operator’s Panel
1.1.1 Data Input Keyboard
In case of a 9" monitor directly beneath the screen are five softkeys, in case of a 15" monitor
ten softkeys built together with the screen. In both cases the meaning of these softkeys can be
read in the menu bars found in the bottom line of screen, therefore their meanings may alter.
However it is likely, that in some right-side menu bar there are no captions. This can only
mean, that in that situation the softkeys have no function at all.
To the left of the first softkey is the
screen menu key , while to the right of the last softkey is the
action menu key . The meaning of these keys is permanent and serve for changing
the meaning of softkeys.
The data- input keyboard may be found beneath or to the right of the monitor. The LED “NC
ready” is placed on the data- input keyboard.
The main key groups found on data input keyboard are as follows::
Delete keys:
RESET for deleting global and
CANCEL for deleting local messages.
Alphabetical keys:
On the panel the letters of English alphabets, the space key without a caption as well as key
SHIFT can be found. In case key SHIFT is held down, and at the same time a letter key
is pressed, the symbol indicated at the top left corner of the key appears.
Numeric input keys:
The numeric input keys (digits, decimal point, sign reverser) are beside the letters in a
separate block that gathers up 3x4 keys.
Scrolling and editing keys:
Arrow keys and move the cursor on characters within a word.
When editing part programs (using EDIT screen) their meanings are:
: Enter (Line Feed s)
: Backspace
Arrow keys and naturally move the cursor in the indicated direction on the
address chain.
Arrow keys and move the cursor from one block to another in the
indicated direction.