10 Program Execution Start and Stop
executes block containing code M01 if switch COND. STOP is on, than STOP state is
assumed and the machining stops. With START button the machining is continued.
Nothing happens if switch COND. STOP is off.
10.6 End of Program: M02, M30
Codes M02, M30 indicate the end of main program. By its use the machining stops, START
state is canceled. In the course of program execution from memory listing goes to first block of
main program, from where the machining can be started from the beginning by the use of
START button .
Even if program end code is not entered to the end of main program, with symbol % in effect
the above process is affected, except for PLC actions belonging to the codes M02, M30, for
example spindle stop and coolant off are not executed.