
Below are some specific tests:
3. To use the TraceRoute capability, type a destination address (domain
name or IP address) in the text box and click the
If PING is not successful, possible causes are:
From the Gateway's Network
Tools page:
Ping the internet default gateway IP
DSL is down, DSL or ATM settings are incorrect; Gate-
way’s IP address or subnet mask are wrong; gateway
router is down.
Ping an internet site by IP address Gateway’s default gateway is incorrect, Gateway’s sub-
net mask is incorrect, site is down.
Ping an internet site by name DNS is not properly configured on the Gateway; config-
ured DNS servers are down; site is down.
From a LAN PC:
Ping the Gateway’s LAN IP address IP address and subnet mask of PC are not on the same
scheme as the Gateway; cabling or other connectivity
Ping the Gateway’s WAN IP address Default gateway on PC is incorrect.
Ping the Gateway’s internet default
gateway IP address
NAT is off on the Gateway and the internal IP addresses
are private.
Ping an internet site by IP address PC's subnet mask may be incorrect, site is down.
Ping an internet site by name DNS is not properly configured on the PC, configured
DNS servers are down, site is down.