
CONFIG Commands
To make a set of VLANs non-routable, the lan-uplink port must be included in
at least one VLAN and must be excluded from any VLANs that are non-
UPnP settings
set upnp option [ on | off ]
PCs using UPnP can retrieve the Gateway’s WAN IP address, and automatically create NAT
port maps. This means that applications that support UPnP, and are used with a UPnP-
enabled Netopia Gateway, will not need application layer gateway support on the Netopia
Gateway to work through NAT. The default is on.
You can disable UPnP, if you are not using any UPnP devices or applications.
DSL Forum settings
TR-064 is a LAN-side DSL CPE configuration specification and TR-069 is a WAN-side DSL
CPE Management specification.
TR-064. DSL Forum LAN Side CPE Configuration (TR-064) is an extension of UPnP. It
defines more services to locally manage the Netopia Gateway. While UPnP allows open
access to configure the Gateway's features, TR-064 requires a password to execute any
command that changes the Gateway's configuration.
set dslf-lanmgmt option [ off | on ]
Turns TR-064 LAN side management services on or off. The default is on.