General use of the grill and rotisserie
Each burner is rated at 12,000 Btu/hr. The grill bur
encompass the entire cooking area and are side por
minimize blockage from falling grease and debris.
Above the burners are stainless steel radiated. The ign
knobs are located on the lower center portion of the
valve panel. Each rotary igniter is labeled on the
Lighting Instructions Plate.
ted to
er, when grilling large
ieces of meat or poultry, it may be necessary to turn the
heat to a lower setting after the initial browning. This
cooks the food through without burning the outside.
oods cooked for a long time or basted with a sugary
arinade may need a lower heat setting near the end of
the cooking time.
inutes. The grill lid is to be
preheat period.
etween “HI” and “LO”.
t, the faster the meat browns.
Grilling requires high heat for searing and proper
browning. Most foods are cooked at the “HI” heat setting
for the entire cooking time. Howev
Make sure the grill has been leak tested and is properly
emove any packing material. R
Light the grill burners using the instructions in this
urn the control knob to “HI” and preheat the grill for 15 T
m closed during the appliance
Place the food on the grill and cook to the desired
doneness. Adjust heat setting, if necessary. The control
knob may be set to any position b
NOTE: The grill is designed to grill efficiently without
the use of lava rocks or briquettes of any kind. Heat is
radiated by the stainless steel flame tamers positioned
eneath the solid stainless steel rodsb
NOTE: The hot grill sears the food, sealing in the juices
he longer the preheaT
appliance (rotisserie motor) is equipped with a plug and
should be plugged directly into a properly grounded
receptacle. DO NOT cut or remove the grounding prong
from this plug.
Keep the rotisserie motor electric cord away from the
heated surfaces of the grill. When not in use remove and
store the motor in a dry location.
a 12lb.
cu e metal
st be electrically
The sk otor
assembly by placing the pointed end into the motor, and
resting the grooved bushing on the support at the
opposite side of the grill. The thumbscrew should be
inside the grill body. With the skewer pushed as far as
possible into the motor, the skewer should rest on the left
side of the grill body. To load the skewer begins with the
handle in place, and slide one of the meat forks (prongs
toward the food) onto the skewer. Center the product to
be cooked on the skewer then push the meat forks firmly
together. Tighten the wing nuts as tight as possible.
It m
cure insert the skewer
st be removed.
Assemble the counterweight with washers and handle to
counter balance the heaviest side of the meat. By
screwing the counterweight the rotisserie motor should
turn smoothly through all 360 degrees of rotation.
After your first use of the rotisserie burner, it is likely
that the stainless steel adjacent to the burner will darken
to a dark blue color. This is a normal property of the non-
rusting, type 304 stainless steel used on the grill.
The rotisserie motor is capable of turning up to
t of meat or poultry. The motor slides onto th
motor mount. The rotisserie motor mu
with local codes or, in grounded in accordance
absence of local codes, with the National Ele
Code, ANSI/NFPA 70-1990.
ewer for the rotisserie is assembled into the m
ay also be necessary to wrap the food with butchers
g (never use nylon or plastic string) to secure any
loose portions. Once the food is se
into the motor. It is normal for the skewer to flex when
rg r cuts of meat are being cooked. It may also be la
necessary to remove the grill rods for larger cuts of meat.
If the meat scrapes on the grill rods during any part of
the rotation, then the grill rods mu