© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5332-r01 (11/19/12)
To activate the Pro Plus 3, press/release either button.
• The unit will enter Diagnostic Mode displaying all segments of the LCD as 8's, followed by dashes ( - - ), then a countdown
from 9 to 0. It checks the display and voltage to ensure that everything is within tolerance.
• After manual activation, it will also check the ambient barometric pressure, and calibrate its present depth as 0.
• At elevations of 3,001 feet (916 meters) or higher, it will adjust depth calibration for the higher altitude.
The Pro Plus 3 is configured with contacts located on the stems of the buttons and pins of the PC Data Port that will automatically
activate the unit and cause it to enter dive mode when the contacts become wet and it senses depth of 5 FT (1.5 M).
After activation and diagnostics, the Pro Plus 3 will enter NORM Surface Mode displaying the Main screen and allow access to
the NORM Surface Menu.
NORM Surface Main Menu, button action -
• A (< 2 sec) >> step forward through Menu items.
• A (hold) >> scroll forward through Menu items.
• S (press) >> activate the SMARTGLO Backlight.
• 2 min (of no button action) >> revert to Main.
NORM SURF MAIN, information includes (Fig. 3):
> Surface Interval time (hr:min) with SURF icon; if no dive yet, this is time since activation.
> Z+ (or DSAT) icon, algorithm selected.
> CF icon, if Conservative Factor is set On.
> NX icon, if FO2 for any gas is set for Nitrox.
> Gas (tank) 1 icon, default on surface.
> Dive number with # icon, up to 24 for that operating period; #0 if no dive made yet.
> Graphic NOR (operating mode).
> Tank 1 Pressure with PSI or BAR) icon.
> TLBG with icon, if any after a dive
> Battery icon, if voltage is low
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALT 1.
• A (hold) to scroll forward through Menu items.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
NORM SURF ALT 1, information includes (Fig. 4):
> Max Depth* with MAX and FT (or M) icons.
> Graphic LAST, indicating that data is for the dive previously conducted while still in NORM mode
> EDT* (Elapsed Dive Time up to 999 min) with EDT and min icons
* dashes if no previous dive conducted
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALT 2.
• A (hold) to scroll forward through Menu items.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
NORM SURF ALT 2, information includes (Fig. 5):
> Time of Day (hr:min) with AM or PM icon if 12 Hour Format; no icon if 24 Hour Format.
> Temperature with °F (or °C).
> Altitude graphic, if EL2 (to EL7), blank if Sea level.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALT 3 (if a Nitrox dive has been conducted, bypassed to Fly/Sat if Air).
• A (hold) to scroll forward through Menu items.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
NORM SURF ALT 3, information includes (Fig. 6):
> Current O2 (%) with icon.
> NX and Gas (tank) 1 icons.
> PO2 alarm value set for Gas 1 with. icon.
> FO2 set for Gas 1 with icon.
• A (< 2 sec) to access Fly/Sat.
• A (hold) to scroll forward through Menu items.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
(> 10 min after dive 1)
Fig. 5 - NORM SURF ALT 2
Fig. 4 - NORM SURF ALT 1
(Last dive's data)
Fig. 6 - NORM SURF ALT 3
(only if Nitrox)