© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5332-r01 (11/19/12)
Information from the latest 24 NORM and/or GAUG dives is stored for viewing.
> After exceeding 24 dives, the most recent dive is stored while the oldest is deleted.
> Dives are numbered from 1 to 24 starting each time NORM (or GAUG) Dive Mode is activated. After the post dive 24 hour
period has elapsed and the unit shuts off, the first dive of the next activation period will be #1.
> In the event that a dive’s elapsed time (EDT) exceeds 599 (min), the data at the 599 interval is recorded in the Log upon
surfacing of the unit.
Log sequence >> Lead-in >> Preview >> Data 1 >> Data 2 >> Data 3
Log Lead-in, information includes (Fig. 10):
> Log (book) icon.
> Graphics Goto LOG.
• A (< 2 sec) to access Set Gas Lead-in.
• S (< 2 sec) to access Log Preview screen of the most recent dive.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
Log Preview, information includes (Fig. 11):
> Log (book) icon.
> Time of Day the dive began (hr:min) with AM (or PM) icon if 12 Hour Format; or graphics NONE YET.
> Dive number (1 to 24, 0 if no dive yet) with # icon.
> Graphic NOR (or GAU or VIO).
> Date (month.day or day.month), the dive was conducted; or blank if none recorded.
• A (< 2 sec) to step through Preview screens from the most recent to the oldest recorded.
• A (hold) to scroll through Preview screens from the most recent to the oldest recorded at a rate of 8 per second.
• S (< 2 sec) to access Data 1 for the dive Preview displayed.
• S (2 sec) to revert to the Lead-in screen.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
Log Data 1, information includes (Fig. 12):
> Log (book) icon.
> Pre dive SI (hr:min), dashes ( - : - - ) if no previous dive that activation period, with SURF icon.
> Temperature (minimum that dive) with °F (or °C).
> Graphic SEA (or EL2 to EL7), indicating the Altitude at which the dive was conducted.
• S (< 2 sec) to access Data 2 for that dive.
• S (2 sec) to revert to the Data 1 screen.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
Log Data 2, information includes (Fig. 13):
> Log (book) icon.
> Max Depth with MAX and FT (or M) icons.
> NX, Z+ (or DSAT), CF icons - those that apply.
> Total Ascent Time (min) with TAT and min icons, if Deco; blank if No Deco.
> EDT with EDT and min icons.
> TLBG with the max accumulation segment flashing, others fixed up to end of dive accumulation. All segments flashing if a
Delayed Violation. No TLBG if Gauge Mode.
> VARI, max Ascent Rate sustained for 4 sec.
• S (< 2 sec) to access Data 3 for that dive; or revert to Preview if a GAUG dive.
• S (2 sec) to revert to the Data 2 screen.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
Log Data 3, information includes (Fig. 14):
> Log (book) icon
> O2% at end of dive with icon, 2 dashes if Violation Gauge Mode.
> NX, Z+ (or DSAT), CF icons - those that apply.
> Gas 1 icon, default start gas.
> PO2 (ATA) with icon, max level reached during the dive.
> FO2 for Gas 1 with icon.
• S (< 2 sec) to revert to the Preview screen.
• S (2 sec) to revert to the Data 2 screen.
• S (press) to activate SMARTGLO Backlight.
Fig. 10 - LOG LEAD-IN
(after NORM dive 2)
Fig. 12 - LOG DATA 1
Fig. 13 - LOG DATA 2
Fig. 14 - LOG DATA 3