© 2002 Design, 2014 Doc. No. 12-5378-r01 (4/9/15)
NORM SURF MAIN, information includes (Fig. 24A):
> Surface Interval time (hr:min) with SURF icon; if no dive yet, this is time since activation
> Time of Day (hr:min) with AM or PM icon if 12 Hour Format; no icon if 24 Hour Format
> Graphic NOR
> Dive number with DIVE icon, up to 24 for that operating period (0 if no dive made yet)
> Gas 1 icon, default in Surface Mode
> TLBG with icon, if any after a NORM or FREE dive
> Battery icon, if voltage is low
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALT 1.
• A (hold) - to scroll forward through NORM Surface Menu items.
• M (< 2 sec) - to access the SN (serial number).
• M (2 sec) - to access the Watch Main Time screen.
• L (< 2 sec) - to toggle the Backlight On/Off.
• L (2 sec), while the Backlight is On - to reset the timer and keep it On for the duration set.
Upon surfacing during dives, the Dive Main will remain on display for the rst 10 minutes with Surface Interval time (SI)
in place of Depth (Fig. 24B) after which the post dive Surface Main will be displayed (Fig. 24C).
NORM SURF ALT 1, information includes (Fig. 25):
> Surface Interval* (hr:min) with SURF icon, prior to Last dive
> Graphic LAST, indicating data is for dive previously conducted while still in NORM mode
> Max Depth* of dive previously conducted while still in NORM mode with MAX and FT (or M) icons
> EDT* (Elapsed Dive Time up to 599 min) with DIVE and min icons
*Dashes if no previous dive conducted.
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALT 2.
• A (hold) - to scroll forward through Menu items.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to Surface Main.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
NORM SURF ALT 2, information includes (Fig. 26):
> Temperature with graphic F (or C)
> Altitude graphic, if EL2 (to EL7), blank if Sea level
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALT 3 (if a Nitrox dive has been conducted, bypassed to Fly/Sat if not).
• A (hold) - to scroll forward through Menu items.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to ALT 1.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
NORM SURF ALT 3, information includes (Fig. 27):
> Current O2 (%) with O2sat icon
> PO2 alarm value set (ATA) with PO2 and MAX icons
> FO2 set for Gas 1 with FO2 icon
> NX icon, if FO2 is set for Nitrox
> (PZ+) icon, if selected, no icon if DSAT is selected
> CF icon, if Conservative Factor is set On
> Gas 1 icon, default on surface
• A (< 2 sec) - to access Fly/Sat.
• A (hold) - to scroll forward through Menu items.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to ALT 2.
• L (press) - to activate Backlight.
Time to Fly is a countdown timer that begins counting down from 23:50 to 0:00 (hr:min) 10 minutes after surfacing from a
dive (NORM, GAUG, or FREE).
Time to Desaturate (SAT), also a countdown timer, provides calculated time for tissue desaturation at sea level taking into
consideration the Conservation Factor setting. It also begins counting down 10 minutes after surfacing from a dive (NORM
or FREE), counting down from 23 to 10 (hr only), then 9:59 to 0:00 (hr:min).
When the SAT countdown reaches 0:00, which will generally occur prior to the FLY countdown reaching 0:00, it will remain
on the display until the FLY countdown reaches 0:00.
> When other screens are accessed, the FLY and SAT countdowns continue in the background.
> SAT is not displayed after a Gauge or Violation dive.
> Desaturation requiring Times greater than 24 hours will display 24 - until it decreases to 23 (hr) .
> In the event that Time to Desaturate still remains at the end of 24 hours, operation as a dive computer will be canceled
and any Nitrogen/oxygen calculation and remaining SAT time will be cleared.
(14 min after dive 1)
(no dive yet)
Fig. 26 - NORM SURF ALT 2
Fig. 25 - NORM SURF ALT 1
(Last dive's data)
Fig. 27 - NORM SURF ALT 3
(only if Nitrox)
(3 min after surfacing)