© 2002 Design, 2014 Doc. No. 12-5378-r01 (4/9/15)
FLY/SAT, information includes (Fig. 28A, B):
> Graphic FLY with Time to Fly (hr:min), - : - - if no dive yet
> Graphic SAT with Time to Desat (hr:min), - : - - if no dive yet, 0:00 if no time remaining
• A (< 2 sec) - to access Plan.
• A (hold) - to scroll forward through Menu items.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to ALT 3 (if Nitrox), or ALT 2 (if not).
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
No Deco Dive Times (NDLs/OTLs) in Plan Mode are based on -
> the algorithm selected (DSAT or PZ+)
> the FO2 set (for Gas 1 only, the default for Plan)
> the setting for the Conservative Factor (Off or On*)
> any residual nitrogen or oxygen remaining from previous dives (NORM or FREE)
*When the Conservative Factor is set On, Dive times are reduced to the values of the next higher 3000 foot (915
meter) Altitude. Refer to tables in back.
Plan Lead-in, information includes (Fig. 29A, B):
> Graphic PLAN
> Graphic dSAt or PZ, the algorithm selected (DSAT or PZ+)
> PO2 alarm value set (ATA) for Gas 1 with icon, blank if Air
> FO2 set for Gas 1 with icon, graphic Air or numeric value (21 to 100)
> Gas (tank) 1 icon, default gas for Plan
• A (< 2 sec) - to access Log.
• A (hold) - to scroll forward through Menu items.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to FLY/SAT.
• S (< 2 sec) - to access the Pre Dive Planning Sequence.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
PDPS (Pre Dive Planning Sequence)
The PDPS displays Depths and allowable No Deco Dive Times (up to 999 minutes), as NDLs (nitrogen based limits) if nitro-
gen is in control or OTLs (oxygen based limits) if O2 is in control.
It will sequence through depth/time screens displaying Depths from 30 to 190 FT (9 to 57 M) with Plan times* based upon
the previous dive proles in a series of repetitive dives and taking into account descent and ascent rates of 60 FPM (18
*If less then 1 minute time is available, dashes will be displayed for time, and depth values will ash.
PDPS, information includes (Fig. 30A, B):
> Plan Depth value with FT (or M) icon
> Dive Time allowed with NDC (or OTL) and min icons
> Max Depth allowed for the PO2 alarm value set for Gas 1 with MAX and FT (or M) icons, blank if FO2 is set for Air
> FO2 set for Gas 1 with icon, graphic Air or numeric value (21 to 100)
> Gas (tank) 1 icon, default gas for Plan
• A (< 2 sec) - to step forward through PDPS screens.
• A (hold) - to scroll forward through PDPS screens 8 per second from 30 to 190 FT (9 to 57 M) in increments of 10 FT
(3 M).
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back through PDPS screens.
• S (< 2 sec) - to revert to the Lead-in after the last screen.
• S (2 sec) - to revert to the Lead-in screen.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
Information from the latest 24 NORM and/or GAUG dives** is stored for viewing.
> After exceeding 24 dives, the most recent dive is stored while the oldest is deleted.
> Dives are numbered from 1 to 24 starting each time NORM (or GAUG) Dive Mode is activated. After the post dive 24
hour period has elapsed and the unit shuts off, the rst dive of the next activation period will be #1.
> In the event that a dive’s elapsed time (EDT) exceeds 599 (min), the data at the 599 interval is recorded in the Log
upon surfacing of the unit.
**FREE Dive information is only available using the OceanLog PC or Diverlog for Mac Interface program.
Fig. 28A - FLY/SAT
(no dive yet)
Fig. 28B - FLY/SAT
(after a dive)
(Gas 1 set for Air)
(Gas 1 set for Nitrox)
Fig. 30A - PDPS
(nitrogen control)
Fig. 30B - PDPS
(oxygen control)