
Figure 1
Wiring diagram for an external battery for the D-390. It is recommended
that you use a 3 cell battery holder. This holder was constructed from a
4 AA cell holder sold at Radio Shack.
PixController Universal Board Wiring Information
Update 9/9/04
Shown below are the locations for wiring to the PixContorller Universal Board. You may either
solder your connections to the “Camera Port”, or use the enclosed Phone Cable and wire to the
“Phone Jack Port”.
Note: The included phone cable for the phone jack can come in 2 different types of
configurations: Please make note if you have the Standard or Reverse Cable.
If the wiring for the phone line you have is BRGY
(Standard Cable)
Black -> Shutter
Red -> Refresh
Green -> Power on/off
Yellow -> Common or Ground
If the wiring for the phone line you have is YGRB
(Reverse Cable)
Yellow -> Shutter
Green-> Refresh
Red -> Power on/off
Black -> Common or Ground