Cyclic Refresh Section 5-3
5-3-4 Cyclic Refresh Area Allocations
CM: Coordinator Module
MM: Motion Control Module
CIO 0105 00 to 07 MM Output Refresh Area
(This MM to CM)
Data from this area is allo-
cated to the Coordinator Mod-
ule's CM Input Refresh Area
(MM to CM).
08 Reserved
09 Cycle time over warning
OFF: No error
ON: MM cycle time exceeded 10 ms.
10 Non-fatal error for this Motion Control Module (including FAL
OFF: No non-fatal error
ON: Non-fatal error
11 Fatal error for this Motion Control Module (including FALS instruc-
OFF: No fatal error
ON: Fatal error
12 to 14 Reserved
15 Program status for this Motion Control Module
OFF: Stopped (PROGRAM mode)
ON: Executing (RUN or MONITOR mode)
CIO 0106 00 to 15 General-purpose refresh data from MM to CM
CIO 0107 00 to 15
CIO 0108 00 to 15
CIO 0109 00 to 15
Bits Details
Motion Control Module
Coordinator Module allocation
Bits Details #1 #2 #3 #4
Bit Word
Bit Word
Bit Word
CM to
CIO 0100 00 to 15 General-pur-
pose refresh
data from CM
to MM
CIO 0100 00 to 15 CIO 0110 00 to 15 CIO 0120 00 to 15 CIO 0130 00 to 15
CIO 0101 00 to 15 CIO 0101 00 to 15 CIO 0111 00 to 15 CIO 0121 00 to 15 CIO 0131 00 to 15
CIO 0102 00 to 15 CIO 0102 00 to 15 CIO 0112 00 to 15 CIO 0122 00 to 15 CIO 0132 00 to 15
CIO 0103 00 to 15 CIO 0103 00 to 15 CIO 0113 00 to 15 CIO 0123 00 to 15 CIO 0133 00 to 15
CIO 0104 00 to 15 CIO 0104 00 to 15 CIO 0114 00 to 15 CIO 0124 00 to 15 CIO 0134 00 to 15
MM to
CIO 0105 00 to 07 Reserved CIO 0105 00 to 07 CIO 0115 00 to 07 CIO 0125 00 to 07 CIO 0135 00 to 07
08 Reserved 08 08 08 08
09 Cycle time
over warning
09 09 09 09
10 Non-fatal
10 10 10 10
11 Fatal error 11 11 11 11
12 to 14 Reserved 12 to 14 12 to 14 12 to 14 12 to 14
15 Program sta-
15 15 15 15
CIO 0106 00 to 15 General-pur-
pose refresh
data from
MM to CM
CIO 0106 00 to 15 CIO 0116 00 to 15 CIO 0126 00 to 15 CIO 0136 00 to 15
CIO 0107 00 to 15 CIO 0107 00 to 15 CIO 0117 00 to 15 CIO 0127 00 to 15 CIO 0137 00 to 15
CIO 0108 00 to 15 CIO 0108 00 to 15 CIO 0118 00 to 15 CIO 0128 00 to 15 CIO 0138 00 to 15
CIO 0109 00 to 15 CIO 0109 00 to 15 CIO 0119 00 to 15 CIO 0129 00 to 15 CIO 0139 00 to 15