System Setup, Auxiliary Area Allocations, and Built-in I/O Allocations Appendix C
A626 00 Pulse Output 1
Command Bits
PV Reset Bit OFF: Pulse output 1 PV not reset.
ON: Resets pulse output 1 PV.
01 Range Com-
parison Results
Clear Bit
OFF: Does not clear the execution results (A630) or output bit pat-
tern (A631) from CTBL(882) execution for range comparison for
the pulse output PV.
ON: Clears the execution results (A630) or output bit pattern
(A631) from CTBL(882) execution for range comparison for the
pulse output PV.
02 to 15 Reserved ---
A627 00 Pulse Output 2
Command Bits
PV Reset Bit Same as for Pulse Output 1 Command Bits.
01 Range Com-
parison Results
Clear Bit
02 to 15 Reserved
A628 00 to 06 Pulse Output
Control Bits
(Apply to both
pulse outputs 1
and 2.)
Reserved ---
07 Speed Change
Cycle Bit
OFF: Sets the speed change cycle to 2 ms during pulse output for
ACC(888) or PLS2(887).
ON: Sets the speed change cycle to 1 ms during pulse output for
ACC(888) or PLS2(887).
08 to 13 Reserved ---
14 PLS2 Pulse
Output Direc-
tion Priority
Mode Bit
OFF: Sets Direction Priority Mode.
In Direction Priority Mode, pulses are output only when the pulse
output direction and the direction of the specified absolute position
are the same.
ON: Sets Absolute Position Priority Mode.
In Absolute Position Priority Mode, pulses are always output in the
direction of the specified absolute position.
15 Reserved ---
A629 00 to 15 Reserved --- --- ---
A630 00 to 15 Pulse Output 1
Monitor Data
Range Com-
parison Results
Contains the CTBL(882) execution results for range comparison.
Bits 00 to 15 correspond to ranges 1 to 16.
OFF: No match
ON: Match
A631 00 to 15 Output Bit Pat-
Contains the output bit pattern when a match is found for
CTBL(882) execution results for range comparison
Note If more than one match is found, an OR of the output bit pat-
terns with matches will be stored here.
A632 00 to 15 Pulse Output 2
Monitor Data
Range Com-
parison Results
Same as for Pulse Output 1 Monitor Data.
A633 00 to 15 Output Bit Pat-
Address Bits Name Function Controlled