Section 300-Installation Chapter 1. Requirements
DBS-2.3/9.2-300 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 1-2
Table 1-2. FCC information
Table 1-3. Interface information
• This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On the left cover
panel of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the
FCC registration number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this
equipment. If requested, provided this information to your telephone
• If the DBS telephone equipment caused harm to the Telephone Network, the
Telephone Company may discontinue your service temporarily. If possible,
they will notify you in advance. But if advance notice isn’t practical, you
will be notified as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right to file
a complaint with the FCC.
• Under the FCC Rules, no customer is authorized to repair this equipment.
This restriction applies regardless of whether the equipment is in or out of
Item Specification
FCC Registration
When used as a key system: ACK4A4-60490-KF-E
When used as a PBX: ACK4A4-60489-MF-E
Ringer Equivalence 0.5B *
Network Address
Signaling Code
* The ringer equivalence number (REN) is useful to determine the quantity of
devices that you may connect to your telephone line and still have all of those
devices ring when your number is called. In most areas, the sum of the RENs
of all devices on any one line should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of
the number of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the
REN, you should call your telephone company to determine the maximum
REN for your calling area.
Port Type
Type of
Order Code*
Facility Interface
Loop Start
2-wire loop RJ21X 9.0F 02LS2
Ground Start
2-wire ground RJ21X 9.0F 02GS2
DID Trunk 2-wire DID RJ21X 9.0F 02RV2-T
T1 Trunk T1 RJ48C 6.0F 04DU9-DN,
OPX Adaptor OPX RJ21X (at
9.0F 0L13A
0L13C (recommended)